Hihi Everybody,
Well... I had already started a letter that was just about
finished... and then we lost power. Which meant bye bye letter. *sigh*
Long story short, this week started off really slow and then
picked up towards the end. Most of our time as a threesome was spent
trying to help Elder Rakotomanana get to know his sector as much as
possible before his trainee showed up. Tuesday we had to make the very
long journey to the mission office for all sorts of stuff. I needed to
renew my visa, Elder Lukonga needed to give a blood sample for his
residence card.
It was really cool because all at the same time there were
missionaries that were going home and missionaries that had just
started. It was really fun to be able to say goodbye to Elders
Hawkins, Kunz, and Seidl. After everything was all said and done we
brought Elder Joseph home. It's been a lot of fun so far.
The rest of the week was spent doing follow ups on the visa,
blood sample, and meetings. We weren't able to get much done.
However, Saturday rolled around and some investigators that
we've been working with for the past month or so were able to be
baptized. I tried to attach pictures. The older man is named Andrey
and the lady is his daughter Consulate. It was the highlight of the
week. It's always super cool to see the change in people when they
accept the gospel of Jesus Christ and commit to trying their very best
to keep his commandments.
I love you all tons and tons! Have the best of weeks!
-Elder Gray
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