Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Mission Photo ~~ June 2013

This is a photo of the Missionaries in Benin taken with Elder and Sister Dickson when they visited the mission. Elder Dickson is member of the Quorum of the Seventies.  Elder Gray is on back row, he's the one with the nearly shaved head! 

This is the email that came with the picture from the mission office:

Chers  Missionnaires, voici les photos prises avec Elder  Dickson au Bénin et à Lomé lors de son tout dernier passage dans notre Mission.
Nous vous souhaitons une bonne réception et admiration !
 Elder Tshizanga

Google translated:
Dear Missionnaires, here photographs taken with Elder Dickson with Benign and Lome at the time of sound very last passage in our Mission. We wish you a good reception and admiration! Cordially,
These are the Missionaries in Togo also taken with Elder and Sister Dickson


Hello Everyone,

      I guess I have to start off this letter with an apology. I haven't really been doing a very good job of keeping y'all up to date with what's happening. Things feel like they haven't changed at all. I'm still goin' stormin' mormin style and having the time of my life in Cococodji. Anything remotely frustrating is immediately turned into something insignificant when I remind myself that I'm a missionary in Benin. All I have to do to be happy and smile up a storm is look around.

      I've recently experienced my first transfer and I'm now working with Elder Dagrou. He's an awesome companion and a fantastic missionary. It's been a bit weird being the one choosing where we're going and knowing how to get there. Showing somebody a sector and having to explain who everybody is, what their problems are, what we need to teach, and where they live in French was a very interesting experience. It's worth mentioning that Elder Dagrou is known amongst the missionaries for speaking really really fast. It's oh so very true. I'm excited to experience a huge spike in language learning as I grow accustomed to auctioneer-style French.

      Anyway. Our little seed/group that meets in our apartment complex is quickly growing and we've received news that it could very well sprout into its own branch within the next three to four weeks. I'll keep you posted, but until then it just means lots of work for us. 

      We've established an "every-other-monday-match" type of thing with the recent converts and their friends here in Cococodji. This morning we walked a good mile and a halfish to a big patch of dirt, dragged rocks to each end for goals, and played our hearts out. I finally have my first missionary blister! It was lots of fun, but I've discovered that soccer is NOT my sport. It's no fun getting owned by random seven year old kids that could take me with their feet tied together. 

     Anyway. The work is moving. Progress is being made. I'm super happy to be here and I love being a missionary. 

      I love you all and hope y'all have a fantastic week! 
                         -Elder Gray

HI HI ~~ June 10th

Hihi everybody!  

It's been a fantastic past couple of days. I don't have a whole lot of time to go into much detail, but I'll just hit some of the major highlights. 

Last Wednesday during coordination things went over as smoothly as they could have possibly gone. I managed to catch have a moment with the President before the meeting and apologized for everything I said last week. He was caught a bit off guard and then gave us an apology too. After that all went back to normal. It's like nothing has happened. We're working on a solution for Frere Pierre.**

Thursday and Friday were spent teaching and prepping papers and doing interviews for baptismal candidates. 

Saturday we had two baptisms for Opportune and Florimonde Tossa. They're the last two members of the Tossa family. Florimond has spent the last week helping us translate things into the baby babble language here.

Church was good. We're still growing. We're still hoping for a bigger building soon. 

Today we had an activity for all the missionaries in Benin. There was Soccer and Football. It was lots of fun and we were fed hamburgers. 

I hope you all have an awesome week! :D 


Elder Gray
**Mom Notes: Apparently last week Elder Gray had his first opportunity to help train the leadership in the branch they are working in.  I was a little "heated" and didn't end to well.  So I am glad to hear all is well and back to normal.